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to About

Shining Light on Data

Trusted and unbiased analysis of technical promises, futuristic projections and sensitive data.

Deep Tech Analysis

Cybersecurity Expertise

IT & Code Leadership

Neutral expert opinions on companies' claims about their technologies and the plausible rate of their progress.

Social graph research utilizing an extensive tech industry rolodex.

Find and understand the patterns in forensic data after security incidents, through custom code and standard tools.

Set up prevention measures like Operational Security coaching.


Delegate handling of critical team dynamics during busy software engineering sprints to an experienced guide.

Improve algorithm efficiency or design entirely new algorithms.

to Services


Image by James Harrison
Submit Your Security Data for Analysis

We provide high-level and occasionally hands-on expertise in the collection and analysis of forensic data and we create algorithms to automatically parse and assess such data.

We coach you and your end-clients on matters of Operational Security, both in their activities online as well as in real-life situations.

We assist you in business development and advise on positioning and pricing new products in the cybersecurity field.

Car Sketch
Submit a Company's Technical Claim or Patent

Ask us for a briefing on new start-ups that make technical claims. Feel safer by relying on our reputation of neutral and fair opinion, instead of tasking less experienced in-house staff.

You can finally see through the predatory marketing materials in AI, Biotech, Food Science, Longevity, Energy Storage, Robotics, Space Exploration and Resource Extraction.

Tell us your required depth of analysis and we will be tapping outside experts if needed. The limitations of our analysis will be openly and clearly communicated to you.

Image by NASA
Inquire about the Prospects of Future Technology

Get our general technology opinions and let us help you assess various narratives in futuristic journalism and technical reports, to take your risk management to the next level.

Identify the most likely truthful narratives to map out your company's future and prepare for inevitable changes in the coming years.

You will get on-demand reports in formal writing, or we will brief you via zoom calls, or instant messaging, accommodating your busy schedule.

Computer Circuit Board
Delegate a Hardware or Software Project

Utilizing years of software engineering experience, we can lead your programming team during back-end and front-end software implementation, following your specifications.

Increase your algorithm efficiency or ask us about your algorithm design options for your most performance sensitive code sections and services.

By embracing full product ownership, we can push your team to implement quickly, while ensuring test-driven development at every step and keeping team morale high at all times.

to Work


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© 2021 by Radiant Technologies FZE, Business center, Al Shmookh Building, UAQ, UAE

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